
Office Annual report 2019

The report shows the office market conditions in 2019, another booming year for both leasing and investment markets

24 maggio 2020

In 2019, commercial real estate set a new record in terms of investment volume mainly thanks to the office and hotel sectors and to the attractiveness of Milan. Offices accounted for 43% of commercial real estate investment in Italy, representing the main sector in terms of volumes, with a total of 5.3 billion. 2019 can be considered as a record year, characterised by a level of investment and take-up never seen in the Italian market. Milan was again the top Italian office market, followed by Rome. The other geographies accounted for €950 million and refer to mixed portfolio and other locations, such as Torino, Bologna and Monza. The market was once again dominated by core and core plus operations but worthy of note was the increase in opportunistic and value-added volumes. The strong liquidity and the high competition for quality buildings in prime locations resulted in a further decline in yields.

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