
Logistics Snapshot Q2 2020

The Logistics Q2 2020 snapshot highlights the key figures and insight for the Italian market

03 settembre 2020

Logistics sector continues to be highly dynamic with a strong interest for developments and last mile. The current pandemic has elevated the importance of supply chain risk mitigation. As a result, building become an increasing area of focus for companies globally. This will likely result in some reconfiguration of supply chains, including changes in the location of industrial and distribution facilities. 

In Italy, the take-up in H1 2020 reached around 800,000 sqm, a lower figure (-16%) than H1 2019 and slightly up on the last 5 years average (+5%). The market recorded 42 operations, more than half of them were related to assets below 10,000 sqm, confirming the growing interest for small buildings.

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